New diagnostic and therapeutic advances in cardiovascular disease
Our research addresses the genesis of scientific evidence on cardiovascular risk (CVR) in general and in specific populations, as well as the evaluation of evidence transfer to both professionals and the population.
The research projects dedicated to this are: “Desarrollo, implantación y evaluación de una guía de práctica clínica sobre riesgo cardiovascular global” (Development, implementation and evaluation of a clinical practice guide on global cardiovascular risk); "Evaluación en términos de morbimortalidad y control de factores de riesgo cardiovascular de la implantación de una adaptación de una Guía de práctica clínica de RCV” (Evaluation in terms of morbidity and mortality and control of cardiovascular risk factors of the implementation of an adaptation of a clinical practice guide on CVR); and “Un ensayo clínico sobre dos estrategias educacionales en Salud Cardiovascular en población infantil (SALVACORAZONES)" (A clinical trial on two educational strategies in Cardiovascular Health in children).
We collaborate with other groups at the Institute in the project “Efecto de nitritos orales en la presión de pulso y la elasticidad arterial en pacientes mayores de 65 años con hipertensión sistólica aislada refractaria” (Effect of oral nitrites on pulse pressure and arterial elasticity in patients over 65 years of age with refractory isolated systolic hypertension), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health, call for non-commercial clinical trials. We also collaborate on CVR projects with other institutions: "Project Prevention of Early Complications of Diabetes in Europe. European Project e-PREDICT" with Hospital La Paz, as a member of the ISCIII Red de Enfermedades cardiovasculares (Cardiovascular Diseases Network), and with Hospital 12 de Octubre through the project "CARDIORISK / MAtención PrimariaAtención PrimariaRES". Dr Novella is a member of the international group RISC (research in insulin resistance).
We promote the research of other group members in these lines. We have participated in the project "Control de la presión sanguínea en pacientes diabéticos: Estudio comparativo entre el tratamiento basado en la medida de la presión sanguínea en la consulta médica y el basado en la medida de la presión por los propios pacientes en casa" (Blood pressure control in diabetic patients: a comparative study between treatment based on measuring blood pressure in medical practice and treatment based on patients measuring blood pressure at home) and "Desarrollo desde la atención primaria de un modelo de estratificación del riesgo en pacientes con fallo cardiaco para la predicción de incapacidad y hospitalización" (Development from primary care of a risk stratification model in patients with heart failure to predict disability and hospitalisation) within the Red de Enfermedades Crónicas (Chronic Diseases Network). With the red de investigación en diabetes (GEDAtención PrimariaS, diabetes research network) through the PREDIMERC and CHAMBS studies and with the IASB in the FOCUS trial that led to a fixed-dose combination of drugs for secondary prevention of IHD.
In the next five years, thanks to the experience accumulated through these projects, we plan to start a project to evaluate a tool to measure doctor-patient communication aimed at measurement and control of CVR. In addition, we plan to analyse and publish the results of the studies carried out in recent years and to continue cooperating with the Institute's other groups.
Team members
Gabriel Sánchez, Rafael. Caracterización temprana y validación de nuevos marcadores metabolómicos para la identificación de la progresión rápida de prediabetes a diabetes tipo 2. Estudio rapid-2. PI15/00308. ISCIII. 2016-2018.
Pilz S, Rutters F, Nijpels G, Stehouwer CD, Højlund K, Nolan JJ, Balkau B, Dekker JM; RISC Investigators. Insulin sensitivity and albuminuria: the RISC study. Diabetes Care 2014. 37:1597-1603. FI: 8,420(Q1). PMID: 24623021. DOI: 10.2337/dc13-2573.
Baldi S, Bonnet F, Laville M, Morgantini C, Monti L, Hojlund K, Ferrannini E, Natali A, RISC Investigators. Influence of Apolipoproteins on the Association Between Lipids and Insulin Sensitivity A cross-sectional analysis of the RISC Study. DIABETES CARE 2013. 36: 4125-4131. FI: 8.570(Q1). PMID: . DOI: .
Abad-Pérez D, Novella-Arribas B, Rodríguez-Salvanés FJ, Sánchez-Gómez LM, García-Polo I, Verge-González C, Suárez-Fernández C. Effect of oral nitrates on pulse pressure and arterial elasticity in patients aged over 65 years with refractory isolated systolic hypertension: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. TRIALS 2013. 14: 388-0. FI: 2.117(Q3). PMID: . DOI: .
Maria Sanchez-Gomez, Luis, Jesus Fernandez-Luque, Maria, Ruiz-Diaz, Lourdes, Sanchez-Alcalde, Rosa, Sierra-Garcia, Belen, Mayayo-Vicente, Soledad, Ruiz-Lopez, Marta, Loeches-Belinchon, Pilar, Lopez-Gonzalez, Javier, Gonzalez-Gamarra, Amelia, Gallego-Arenas, Angela, Cubillo-Serna, Ana, Gil-Juberias, Gema, Perez-Cayuela, Pilar, Arana Canedo-Arguelles, Celina, Natividad Garcia-Pascual, Julia, Ruiz-Chercoles, Esther, Suarez-Fernandez, Carmen, Garcia-Polo, Iluminada, Abad-Perez, Daniel, Ballesteros-Arribas, Juan M., Izquierdo-Martinez, Maravillas, Salvador-Alcaide, Elena, Arribas-Vela, Ana B., Alonso-Perez, Juan M., Veja-Piris, Lorena, Rodriguez-Salvanes, Francisco, Novella-Arribas, Blanca. A cluster-randomised clinical trial comparing two cardiovascular health education strategies in a child population: the Savinghearts project. BMC Public Health 2012. 12: 1024-0. FI: 2.076(Q2). PMID: . DOI: .
Gorostidi M, Sarafidis PA, de la Sierra A, Segura J, de la Cruz JJ, Banegas JR, Ruilope LM, Spanish ABPM Registry Investigators. Differences Between Office and 24-Hour Blood Pressure Control in Hypertensive Patients With CKD: A 5,693-Patient Cross-sectional Analysis From Spain. Am. J. Kidney Dis. 2013. 62: 285-294. FI: 5.756(Q1). PMID: . DOI: .
Pladevall M, Brotons C, Gabriel R, Arnau A, Suarez C, de la Figuera M, Marquez E, Coca A, Sobrino J, Divine G, Heisler M, Williams LK, Writing Committee on behalf of the COM99 Study Group. Multicenter Cluster-Randomized Trial of a Multifactorial Intervention to Improve Antihypertensive Medication Adherence and Blood Pressure Control Among Patients at High Cardiovascular Risk (The COM99 Study). Circulation 2010. 122: 1183-81. FI: 14.432(Q1). PMID: . DOI: .