What we do

The Institute's Innovation Unit is a structure that promotes the generation of new ideas and technological projects.

In particular, the Unit supports the Institute's researchers by providing the following services:

  • Promoting idea detection, providing assistance in the evaluation and protection of health research results (patents, utility models, copyright, etc.)

  • Supporting the drafting of technological intelligence reports, intellectual property usage plans and market analyses (useful for presenting innovation projects).

  • Promoting the Institute's technological offering and supporting the search for industrial or academic partners.

  • Promoting and assisting researchers participating in collaboration conferences and technology acceleration programmes.

  • Assisting in the negotiation of industrial property and technology transfer contracts (patent co-ownership agreements, confidentiality agreements, material transfer contracts, patent licensing contracts, etc.).

Princesa Innova Bulletin

La Princesa Innova is a quarterly Technology Bulletin that analyses innovation in those sectors that may be of interest to researchers and health professionals at the IIS of the Hospital Universitario de La Princesa. Each issue therefore focuses on a specific field of IIS healthcare innovation. This first issue focuses on New Technologies in Neurosciences, a strategic area at our hospital and one that is very active in the field of innovation.

La Princesa Innova is made up of two separate sections:

  • A patent section subcategorised into technological categories. To access the full patent content, click on each patent application number [+] to be taken to the document published in the esp@cenet® database.

  • And a news section about healthcare innovation. To access the full news, click on this section.

We hope that this initiative will become a tool to boost innovation at La Princesa.