19 enero, 2018 a las 10:00 am Europe/Madrid Zona Horaria
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa
Calle de Diego de León
62, 28006 Madrid

Charla:Gut reactions: how intestinal immune responses are regulated by integrins and TGF-beta
Impartida por: Dr. Mark Travis.University of Manchester (United Kingdom).

Mark is a Senior Lecturer and Principle Investigator based in the Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research (MCCIR), and the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research at the University of Manchester.
Mark received a first class honours degree in Biochemistry and Genetics from Lancaster University in 2000, and completed a PhD in protein biochemistry at the University of Manchester in 2004, studying the structure and function of integrin adhesion receptors. He then went to the University of California, San Francisco, as an American Lung Association Fellow, where he worked on the role of integrins and TGF-beta in immune regulation. Mark returned to Manchester as a Royal Commission Fellow in late 2006, before taking up a position as an RCUK Fellow in October 2007. Mark became a Lecturer in 2012, and a Senior Lecturer in 2015. Mark joined the MCCIR as a Principle Investigator in January 2013.

Lugar: Aula de la Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica Hospital U. La Princesa (1ª Planta).
Horario: 10:00